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The Secrets of Money Magick

Money Magick

There is so much more to life than money, but money can give you so much more life. It’s my belief that financial magick can be some of the most spiritually uplifting work that you do. Far from being an indulgence of the greedy, it can be the magick of freedom.

I sometimes get messages from people telling me that financial magick is unspiritual and materialistic, but I am convinced that you can achieve more spiritual growth when you are able to live in harmony with your environment. Money is part of your environment. If you struggle with money, you struggle with life.

Although hardship and challenge can bring spiritual growth, there are other ways to grow. When you learn to control money, you are more likely to live in peace. You sense providence. You achieve a calm sense of security. Your generosity affects others more dramatically and extensively than when you are poor.

Having money is not essential for happiness, but even a small increase of income can give you the opportunity to spend more time with friends and family, to pursue hobbies and careers that make you thrive, and to share more effectively.

I point this out because I used to believe that poverty was noble, but when I was poor my life experience was restricted, I was often unhappy, and I was unable to give much time or value to those around me. Poverty is overrated.

If you disagree and see money as an unspiritual temptation, then money magick is probably not for you. If, however, you sense that money can open up your reality, then magick could clear the pathway to a more abundant life.

It’s also true that money solves fewer problems than you might think. I have known many people find wealth, only to discover that they remain emotionally poor. Money does not solve all your problems, and to believe so is to indulge in fantasy. But it is certainly true that money opens many doors and makes life easier. It’s not a cure-all, but it’s better than being poor.

Money magick works. Even more surprising, money magick works easily for many people, even when they’ve never used magick before. But for some, it can be the stubbornest magick, refusing to yield enjoyable results. There are ways to get around this. I’m going to explore the underlying issues that can stifle money magick, and the practical solutions you can apply.

If you want money, then using magick to obtain it can be a remarkable journey. But for some people, money is the one area of life that just refuses to respond to magickal efforts. If you’re one of those people that feels a connection to magick but finds money a difficult area to influence, there is hope. It might take time, but there are ways to get money magick to work.

In Magickal Cashbook, Magickal Riches and Wealth Magick I provide many rituals that attract money in different ways, covering everything from luck and gambling to money that comes out of the blue, along with career-building. Although there is a mass of workable magick in there that has worked for thousands of people, I know that readers are always looking for stronger magick, faster magick, something that can really make a breakthrough.

There is a lot more financial magick that we could publish, and we may do so at some time in the future, but for most people, there’s no need for another ritual. All you need to do is make a change to yourself. You may need to change your will power, your relationship to money, your attitude to scarcity, or the work that you do. Perhaps you only need to change your attitude to magick or learn to let go of lust for result. Small changes can reap unimaginable rewards.

Using the magick that you already have to hand, there are many things you can do to unleash financial magick. I cannot unravel all your money issues, but what I offer here are clues that might help you find why money is being stubborn. Tackle these problems, and money can manifest.

Money is a potent subject. Bring up money in conversation, and you will be met with a variety of startling responses. Some people think money is too embarrassing to talk about. Others will feel the need to brag. And many will talk about the pain of earning and spending money. Money is regarded as a necessary evil, an indulgence, an impossibility, a distant dream, or an ugly necessity. Money is about survival, feeding your family, finding some shred of security. Or money is about excess, greed and living the big life. Money gives you the potential to live a joyous life and share that joy with many. It also gives you the ability to oppress, to exclude and to exploit others, to hoard and to revel in gluttony. Like magick, money is neutral and very much open to your personal interpretation. My belief is that when money is obtained through magickal means, you are more likely to shun greed and discover generosity.

Although money itself is neutral, your relationship to it is probably not. When I was very young, I was given a reasonably large wad of cash by a member of my family, for reasons that I still can’t remember. I celebrated by throwing the money around the room and rolling around in it. I think I must have seen rich people do that in movies. I was scalded severely and made to think that money was shameful, something to be hidden and never bragged about. Around the same time, I was repeatedly told that money was the root of all evil, and worst of all, that money was hard to come by. The only way to get money, I was assured, was to work hard.

When you believe in scarcity, money is hard to come by, and your life is a struggle. When you accept financial providence, money comes more easily.

This is not to say that hard work is not required. Although magick such as that found in Magickal Cashbook can bring money out of the blue, I believe that the greatest pleasure comes from building an enjoyable career that brings you the rewards you deserve. This means a lot of hard work, but when you enjoy your work, that is a pleasant state of being. You don’t have to work your fingers to the bone.

Right until my early adult life, my very strong impression was that money was difficult to obtain, and that you only deserved it if you worked so hard you were almost broken. I was also led to believe – due to my working-class background – that earning anything above a certain amount was just plain wrong. It took me a long time to move away from those beliefs. I’ve often said that you don’t need belief to work magick, but your beliefs and perceptions will shape and color your magick. Until I broke away from those beliefs, my money magick was limited and unpredictable.

Magick amplifies emotions, so if your underlying emotions make you feel that money is scarce, magick can amplify that scarcity sensation in your life. This is why your feelings about money need to be in alignment with your surface desires.

I was able to overcome my limiting beliefs and emotions without losing my moral viewpoint. To this day, I will not get involved in any business or venture unless I believe it genuinely benefits people. But at the same time, I want the financial benefits that come from this success, for myself and those I love. I do not believe in accumulating obscene masses of money, but I do know that money can bring tremendous opportunities for pleasure and discovery.

Some people have an uncomplicated relationship with money. These are usually people who are born into money, and who find that it comes to them easily. They accept money, they expect money, they spend freely, and they give generously. This uncomplicated freedom is what you’re probably seeking, but when you read this paragraph, did you feel any resentment? Is it possible that you feel jealous of those who come into money so easily? You’ve worked hard, and don’t have enough, so how dare people get rich without honest hard work? I can’t predict your reaction, but I know that many wealth seekers harbour jealousy of those who are already wealthy. Such hidden resentments can undermine your efforts because subconsciously you are feeding your magick with the feeling that the wealthy don’t deserve to be wealthy.

It is easy to hate the rich, to resent the one-percenters and to believe that every corporation is out to scam you, all for the sake of evil profits. Although it’s reasonable to be sceptical about the motives of those who take your money, you need to be careful that this doesn’t slip into a general resentment of the rich. I used to loathe rich people, so I could never become one of them. Through my magickal contacts, I ended up spending time with rich people and found that although many were as greedy and repellent as I feared, many were not.

When the world is full of poverty, inequality and exploitation, when corporations are so frequently corrupt, when jobs are difficult to come by, it’s very easy to resent those who have a lot of money. It’s easy to write off the wealthy as greedy and heartless.

I see this conflict all the time. Although some people buy the money magick books to earn a little more, most want true financial freedom, but at the same time, this desire is filled with fear, guilt, trepidation and a deep sense that wealth is wrong. I often read comments from people saying, ‘I don’t want any more than I deserve.’ You can imagine how that sort of emotion is going to subdue the magick.

A pattern I’ve noticed over the years is that when people angrily declare, ‘Money magick doesn’t work,’ there is always more to the story. There is always some hidden resentment regarding money, or guilt about money, a fear of greed or some other issue at play. Even for those who declare that they definitely want more money, there can be underlying issues. I know this is the case because I slowed down my own money magick for many years. Deep down, I thought it was wrong to get money for nothing. I was ashamed of anything that felt remotely like greed. On the surface, I thought that I loved money and yearned for money and genuinely wanted more money, but the underlying mistrust of money was very real.

How do you feel when you spend money? If you spend on impulse and get buyer’s remorse, you are not setting yourself up to be wealthy. If you rarely spend anything and resent every bill you have to pay, you are tightening the noose around money, making it difficult to flow. Although it is very wise to save rather than spend on credit, a mentality of stinginess can lead to you feeling that money should always be stored and protected. This is very different from the feeling of wealth, which is the feeling of freedom, and the expectation that money will always come to you. When you are wealthy, you feel that even if you lost it all tomorrow, you could get it back, because money is not scarce.

This doesn’t mean that you should spend stupidly. Spending beyond your means, and building up huge debts for things you don’t really need, is likely to keep you in the same financial league that you are in now. The key is to spend with the emotion of pleasure – and that applies to everything, from buying something you love to paying your taxes. Enjoy every payment you make.

It’s really important, however,  that you don’t allow this sense of freedom to make you reckless. Indeed, a reckless attitude to money can lead to merely coping and never thriving.

It helps to gain some insight into your spending. Some years ago I offered help to somebody who was struggling with her finances, and I gave the dull, standard advice that’s provided in any book or blog on sorting out your finances: Budget Everything. For one week (or better still a month) write down every cent you spend, so you can see the patterns. It’s quite boring advice, but it can be a real revelation. She refused to do it, saying she wanted a quick spell to solve her problems. I helped out, but I knew it was a short-term solution. Later, she came back to me, having finally tried the boring Budget Everything approach, and she was astonished to find that even though she considered herself a careful spender, a light drinker and good with money, she was none of these things. She was spending a small fortune on impulse buys for things she didn’t need. She was spending more on alcohol than on food. She had built up sufficient credit card debts that she was spending more on interest payments than she was spending on rent.

As I pointed out, sorting out those mundane problems would be more effective than any magick. So she targeted her magick at those problems. Her goal was to get out of debt, and she used magick to make her money go further, to improve her awareness, patience and willpower, and to reduce her need for alcohol. Within nine months she was out of debt and found that as soon as that debt was cleared, she had money to spare. For some time, she didn’t even perform any additional money magick, because what she already had was enough.

I am not a big believer in austerity. I do not think twice about what I buy, and I think that to become at ease with money, this is the state you are trying to achieve. But getting to that state may require initial austerity. If you always buy the new TV and the next computer and the latest smartphone – when you can’t really afford them – you may be creating painful debt for the sake of instant gratification. If you can afford them, that’s fine, but if you can’t, spending in this way undermines all your efforts to rise to a new financial level.

It’s certainly true that wealthy people take out huge business loans (for example) in order to make a business grow. It’s also true that mortgages (which are a form of debt), can make life much more enjoyable. But personal debt, usually in the form of a maxed-out credit card, is another matter. It weighs you down and makes you feel like you always owe something, and that is not a great feeling.

When I was sorting out my finances, I budgeted everything, and I realized there was a lot I could live without. I went without some non-essential things, got out of debt and made progress. But as soon as that period was over, I didn’t remain austere. I went back to being quite free with money. You need to get out of debt, but you do not want to remain in a situation where you are afraid of spending. You need to learn to spend without resentment or fear, while at the same time not spending beyond your means. This requires some skill, and it may be that you need to direct magick at improving your financial skills.

It’s important to remember that my books are read by people from all over the world, and that they are read by people who live in near poverty, as well as those who work in big business. Understand the information in this article from your personal perspective. If you are struggling in poverty, the initial gains you make will be smaller than the gains made by somebody who is comparably wealthy. This does not mean you cannot get where you want to be, but that you should reach for the next level of wealth, rather than for an impossible dream. I always suggest reaching for an amount of money, or a financial situation, that seems just out of reach, rather than an impossible fantasy. This approach can yield surprisingly large rewards. Money magick can bring results in days, to relieve your immediate burdens, but when you use magick for months and years, that’s when you are able to look back and see that, whatever your starting point, you have made great gains.

So what can you do to establish the right mindset to make way for magickal results? You may not have to do anything. Many people work the magick imperfectly, and yet they still get results. The magick works effortlessly for many people. But if you’ve found that money magick resists your attempts to make progress, here are the practical steps you can take to deal with underlying issues.

The following steps will help your ability to make more money. Some of them are quite simple ideas, and some involve magick. It’s important to give you the magickal tools to make direct change. This means that rather than focussing on the money itself, you focus on how you can bring about change in yourself. When that inner change is made, the money magick can work effortlessly. The main books that I recommend for creating this change are The 72 Sigils of Power by Zanna Blaise, and my book, The 72 Angels of Magick.

When I recommend using Names, look to The 72 Sigils of Power. This book uses divine Names to access powers and provides a very quick and effective form of magick.

When I suggest working with an angel, use The 72 Angels of Magick. These angels are called on during eleven days of ritual work, so apply this approach when you need a stronger and more thorough result.

Although these books are filled with rituals that can work directly on prosperity and business matters, the focus here is on adapting your own attitude to money.

Overcome Money Issues

You don’t want to lose your sense of self or change your moral viewpoint, but by working with these Names, you can gain insights into yourself, as well as working directly with your beliefs.

If you feel some concern about having too much for yourself, you can work with the 46th Name, Ari, which can help you get an insight into how you can share wealth. When you work from a place where you focus is on how you might benefit others, many of your negative feelings about money are eased.

The 50th  Name, Dani, can help work with issues of guilt, especially as they relate to money. This Name also works to guide you to enjoy prosperity.

The 67th Name, Iyah, can be used to undergo change and transformation while removing resistance and mental blockages. If you know you have a specific issue with money, you can work on it with this Name.

Improve Financial Skills

Do you find that, no matter how much you make, you always spend too much? Do you find it difficult to manage your bills, taxes and other financial obligations? If you feel that money controls you, rather than the other way around, you may need to work on developing better financial skills. This doesn’t mean a life of boring number-crunching, but it means gaining a willingness to understand money while obtaining the awareness and skills required to understand how money flows through your life.

A good starting point is the Make Your Money Go Further ritual from Words of Power. This can cause changes in luck and circumstances, but it may also open you up to new perceptions regarding money.

You could also perform a ritual with the angel Elemiah, who gives The Power to Discover New Methods. When you’ve been living your financial life the same way for many years, you are probably repeating the same mistakes, living out the same habits and making the same compromises. Call on this angel to help you discover better ways to work with money. It is a simple request, but one that can have many long term benefits.

You may also call on the angel Pahaliah, who gives The Power to Find Balance. If you find that you spend every pay packet, splurge on things you don’t want or need, or pay every bill late, it could be that your financial life lacks balance. Working with this angel, you can ask for help in restoring financial balance. The help will come in the form of new ways of seeing, and new opportunities to work with money in a clear way, without any surprises.

Be Open-Minded

In all my magick books, I point out that you do not need to know how a result will manifest. If you want money, you should not think to yourself, ‘And the only way I can get the money is if…’ It’s easy to believe that there is only one way out. This fantasy may be anything from an inheritance or lottery win to a pay rise or an increase in sales. Trust me when I say that there is always another way and a way that you have probably not imagined. Rather than focussing on how the result will manifest, you must be open to all sources of income. Let the magick work creatively for you by accepting that money may come from unexpected sources.

Equally, you need to recognize results when they manifest. For many people, a financial result can come in the form of a saving. There are many stories of people performing magick for a certain amount, and then rather than finding the cash sitting there in front of them, they are offered a cheaper product, a better deal, a reduced bill, a refund or something similar. It’s easy to dismiss this and be disappointed, but it’s vital that you recognise the gains that magick gives you. In some cases, seemingly non-financial rewards can be highly lucrative indeed. The more willing you are to see the gains when they occur, the more frequently they will occur. Magick will find the easiest way to provide, and if it’s easier to make a saving than to provide a gain, you will be given a saving. Be open to that.

Also, keep an eye on your preconceptions regarding the magick. Although I often point out that you don’t need belief for magick to work, if you have a very strong certainty that it won’t work, that negative belief can certainly affect things. A few weeks ago, somebody wrote to me telling me that the Cashbook didn’t work and that this wasn’t altogether a surprise because ‘other occultist told me it wouldn’t work.’ She’d performed the ritual , not with doubt, but with a strong certainty that it wouldn’t work. It’s no surprise that she failed.

To be open-minded, it helps to get a sense of providence, to know that the universe is willing to provide. You can use the 45th Name, Sehahl, to give the sense of providence, which is the opposite of scarcity. This Name can open you up to receive without guilt.

The 7th Name, Acha, can also help you to let go of fear, which is useful when you are afraid that money will run out. The Name also helps you let go of unwanted attachment. If you start worrying about whether or not the magick will work, use Acha to release unwanted attachment. As you let go of the result, it is more likely to manifest.

If you really struggle to be open-minded, a good solution is to focus on the joy you feel in the present. When you work on enjoying the present moment, you are less likely to be too obsessed with the details of magick, and less likely to subconsciously demand that your result must manifest in a specific way. The connection between joy and open-mindedness may not seem obvious, but I can assure you that when you let yourself experience joy for what you already have, your preconceptions about money will ease. I suggest working with the angel Pahaliah, who gives The Power to Experience Joy.

Develop Patience

The more patient you are, the faster you get results.

If you find yourself feeling impatient for a result, the 60th Name, Metzer, can be used to obtain patience., and the 34th Name, Lahach, can help you to let go of desire. By working with these names, patience can become easy, rather than a struggle.

Be Thorough

Earlier this week somebody wrote to me saying, ‘I just read The Greater Words of Power, and it’s full of rituals but has no instructions for how to use them.’ This is clearly false, so I asked if this person had read the chapter called How to Use the Words of Power. The response was, ‘I have now.’ In other words, that reader had skimmed through the book and then complained. That sort of slapdash approach will not yield good results.

I believe you should see magick as an investment. When you buy a magick book, you aren’t just buying an instruction manual, but giving yourself an opportunity. Imagine that you’re a guitar player and you’ve bought a new guitar. You will treasure it, look after it, and learn to play brilliantly because you know it will never make good music without your effort, care, and attention. Magick is a treasure, a golden key that unlocks possibility, so dignify magick with your full attention and awareness.

Connect With Passion

Sometimes, working with these processes will make you realise that the work you’re doing is not the work you want. Although you can use magick to make money when you’re working in an unwanted career, it may be that your inner resentment is holding you back from thriving. In such cases, you may need to open the road to a completely new life. If you suspect this may be the case, use the Rituals of Transformation in The Greater Words of Power to discover where it is you really want to go.

This might sound like a lifetime of magickal work. It might be, but I doubt it. Most people find that they can make a substantial change in a remarkably short space of time. But if it takes longer, let it take longer. It is better to be where you truly want to be, five years from now, than to abandon magick after a few months. Giving up guarantees that your life will stay the same. Steady, persistent magick will bring about change.

Magick works more often than it fails, but when there is resistance, there is an enormous potential for change. Start by gaining some insight into your true wants and needs, and then work to prepare yourself for the arrival of money. Sometimes, that is all the magick you need.

– Damon Brand

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