The Hidden Books

Wealth Magick, Magickal Seduction and Adventures In Sex Magick were withdrawn from publication some time ago. Due to extreme demand for these books , they have all been republished. Secondhand copies often sold for hundred of dollars, and Wealth Magick was selling for many thousands of dollars. This didn’t seem fair to readers who want access to the material.

The books were initially withdrawn because some of the material from them was scheduled to appear in other books being written by The Gallery of Magick. We have, however, received countless requests for the originals, so they remain on sale for now.

Seduce  adventures  wm

You can find FAQs for those books here: Wealth Magick FAQ, Adventures In Sex Magick FAQ, Magickal Seduction FAQ.

Although the books all received some updates before republication, these are minor changes and there is no need to buy the books again if you already own them.

It is also worth noting that for the sake of efficiency, Magickal Angels and The Greater Magickal Angels were long ago combined into one volume, called The 72 Angels of Magick. The original books have been unpublished and are no longer available.

The 72 Angels of Magick

If you own any of our ebooks and want to print out the images, you can take screenshots of the images or photograph your screen and print the image out. It’s easier to just use them in the ebooks. There is no need to dispose of the talismans when they are used in the ebooks.

Images From The Gallery of Magick Book 1 and Images From The Gallery of Magick Book 2 have been replaced with a single paperback called Sigils and Talismans From The Gallery of Magick, containing images from Magickal Riches, The 72 Angels of Magick, Magickal Protection and Magickal Cashbook.  It does not contain images from The Magickal Job Seeker, Words of Power, Wealth Magick, Magickal Seduction or any other books. This paperback is an optional extra, made available only because some people have requested hard copy color images. It is not required for the magick to work and should be seen as an additional luxury purchase. If you want hard copies of the images from Wealth Magick, Words of Power or other books, please buy the paperbacks. Although a luxury item, we’ve cut this down to the essentials to keep the cost as low as possible. The main reason for purchase is to access physical copies of the seventy-two angelic sigils, with the angels’ seals printed in red.

61 thoughts on “The Hidden Books”

  1. Hi Damon,

    For some reason my previous question didn’t go through…

    I had a period in my life a few years back when I was pretty wealthy, then lost it all. Then there was a period when I had pretty good income, and now that income is gone for some reason, and I’m again really struggling financially.

    I have already completed the rituals in Magickal Riches, and want to move onto Magickal Wealth (I have already purchased a copy). Do I really have to wait until my financial situation becomes better before starting the rituals from Magickal Wealth?

    Thank you in advance.

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